Our Program

The Monday night meetings are planned by the junior leadership and the adult leaders.  The meetings are run by the older scouts under the guidance of the adult leaders.  This enables the boys to learn leadership by taking an active part in the meeting.  Time is set aside at each meeting for ceremonies, learning specific skills, preparing for camp, and patrol activities.  Occasionally a meeting will be devoted to a completely different subject which is of interest to everyone.

As a measure of growth in scouting, we have a series of rank advancements.  The lower ranks of Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class deal with basic scouting skills.  As these are learned the scout becomes more proficient and advances in rank.  After these basics are learned the scout has the opportunity to advance to the higher ranks of Star, Life, and Eagle.  The higher ranks are structured so that the scout is exposed to many opportunities.  He must earn merit badges, serve his troop in a leadership position, devout time to service projects, and show scout spirit.  The rank of Eagle, also, requires the scout to plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project for his church, community, or school.
Outdoor activities are a vital portion of our scouting program.  Each year our Troop plans a number of Historic Trail hikes.  Usually, these hikes are day hikes within the boundaries of the Minsi Trails Council.  Occasionally we take a Historic Trail hike out of council; for example, Valley Forge or Gettysburg.  We also schedule a 5-mile hike, coupled with an overnight camping experience.  In addition, a backpacking trek on the Appalachian Trail is, often, planned during the year.

Our district conducts two camporees annually and a cold weather camping experience known as “snowbound.”  Each campout is a great opportunity for different troops to meet and learn from one another.  Programs feature demonstrations, competitions, joint campfires, and other inter-troop activities.

Each year our Troop goes to summer camp.  This is a week-long camping experience which takes place in an accredited BSA camp.  The scouts work on various phases of advancement, merit badges, camping skills, scouting knowledge, and develop leadership while having a good time.  We strongly encourage Scouts to attend summer camp on a regular basis, as most advancements are directly related to summer camp attendance. Occasionally the Troop will run a high adventure Trek for the older Scouts.  These trips are designed to put to use their scouting skills while having a worthwhile experience hiking, canoeing, sailing, etc. in a team building setting.

The Troop plans at least one major scouting activity each month.  This provides us with an active schedule that the scouts themselves have developed.  In addition to the Troop activities, we plan three Court of Honor Ceremonies each year.  These ceremonies honor the achievements of the Scouts over the past few months.  Each family is invited to attend the ceremony.

In order to finance our troop’s activities and maintain our equipment, it is necessary that we hold fund-raising projects throughout the year.  Since this is considered part of scouting development, we strongly urge participation.  Our fund-raising projects currently consist of the annual council Popcorn Sale, and our ongoing Aluminum Can Collection.  Whenever possible, we give a portion of the proceeds to the Scout for their personal scout use.  Each Scout has a “scout account.”  His portion of the fundraiser profits are deposited into his account.  The Scout may use this money towards any scout related activity or equipment purchases.  Scout Account reports are given out three times a year; in May, September, and January.

The Troop, also, has basic expenses for each registered Scout.  These expenses include registration fees, Boy’s Life subscriptions, rank advancement and merit badge patches.  In order to help the troop cover these basic costs, the Troop requires each Scout to pay $2.00 in weekly dues.  Please note that weekly dues are charged whether or not he attends a meeting or a meeting is scheduled.  The Troop will provide a semi-annual dues summary for each Scout so that he knows where he stands dues-wise.  Scouts are expected to bring their account up to date upon receiving their dues summary.

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